
By tookie

The Chair....across the pond

This chair sitting all by it's lonesome along the river's edge so reminded me today of "the chair" photographs taken by NZ blipper Flying Leap. I'm not sure where all of her chair ones are...but she's had a few and they were lovely. Anyhow, seeing this one sitting in solitude reminded me of "hers".

We had a cooler morning and it was so pleasant, but the heat is coming back for the week. ugh Our baseball team is on a rampage which has been lots of fun to watch/listen too. I'm busy making a few meals now for our friend's daughter's hubby who had the baby---he's been ill during this time so some chicken soup might help a bit:)

Have a good week...much has happened to many on blip over this past week...birth, deaths, vacations, music, performances, natural phenomenon.....I hope all in the Napa Valley area of Ca. are doing ok. My bay area friends are ok from the quake. Carry on dear blipper friends!

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