I've got a bumbo!

Another early start, I lay in her bed with her until her gro clock was yellow. She was then a delight to have in our room.

Up and out and off to the maize maze. Possibly the only people to never complete the easy maze, but try doing it with toddlers and a baby and then you see why!

Home after small incident involving a badminton racket, small hands and a head (reminiscent of when I hit my brother round the head with one when we were younger and gave him black eyes) tears from all involved.

Sleeps. Charlotte and Wom tagged teamed it again but hey ho.

Popped to Clive's fruit farm (the farm attached to Charlotte's nursery) to get eggs. Charlotte had a blast as she is so familiar with the place

She held onto her hand picked eggs all the way home in the car.

More playing
Roast cooking

Wom has a bumbo, he absolutely loves it
Scary thing is Charlotte can still fit in it too!

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