Test drive

Without wishing to sound like I am moaning, when will these early starts stop? 5:10 today which is 40 minutes later than yesterday but still far to early. Unlike yesterday she didn't settle which just caused mummy and daddy to grump!

Daddy took Charlotte to do a drop off of some newts he has sold. The hope was she would sleep for some of the duration of the two hour round trip, she slept for about 30 minutes, coming home daddy put her to bed but sadly Wom woke from his sleep and screamed and screamed and screamed, waking her up!

We headed to Lucy's grandads house as Lucy has her car stored there. Charlotte loved it and soon had worked out how to use the accelerator, reverse and steer. Great fun had.

Headed to a fantastic hidden pub. Went with Lucy's mummy and daddy and two other friends. Unfortuely the service was dreadful! After fifty minutes of waiting for food we asked where on earth it was to be told they had 'misplaced' our order. They couldn't have apologised more than they did, but Charlotte had gone past her best and was fed up of waiting (as were we!). We ate and headed home. The others heading to a different pub for desert.

Playing trains for a while once home, early bed hopefully and a good nights sleep is hoped for.

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