Whitewater Rafting

I am so tired and my body feels slighting out of alignment but I did it. Wahoo!
It is just about midnight and we have finally made it back home after an exhausting but fun day on the river.

We left the house early this morning and drove over two hours to get to the place in Pennsylvania where we would be whitewater rafting. We had two full rafts with me, my husband, my son, my brother-in-law and my niece in one raft. The second raft was my sister, her husband two of their boys and two more nephews.

This was my husband and I as we were waiting to get into the river. I was really looking forward to doing this since it has been a number of years since I last did it. I’m proud to say that I managed to stay in the raft and was not fall into the river. It was tough at times and we had some narrow escapes but our raft did really well. My sister’s husband did end up in the river! Their raft hit a rock and bounced off as it sent my brother-in-law overboard. They have guides in kayaks that come to help you in these situations so he is thankfully okay.

My son has brought he waterproof camera with him and we were taking turns photographing all the craziness going on. Unfortunately, during one of the more challenging rapids, the camera was lost in the river. It was more heartbreaking to lose the photos than it was the camera. Therefore, we had to depend on his waterproof phone for the rest of the pictures.

The Blip is a picture of a picture. The company that runs the trip has someone on the side of the river taking pictures of you as you come down. As you can see, I was bracing myself for the worst! LOL! My twelve-year-old niece sitting behind me is smiling and paddling like it was nothing.

After 12 miles on the river with only one stop for lunch, where we all has to paddle over to the side and grab onto a tree branch to keep from floating down river the skies opened up and it rained. It did not matter really because going down those rapids you get wet. It just made for a soggy lunch, when we reached the end of our journey there were guides in the river to help you get your rafter over to the side so you could get out. Let me tell you, after sitting for that many hours, getting up is not so easy! We then had to walk up a rocky, muddy hill and thru an icy cold stream to a set of stairs that took you to a gravel road. We had to walk a mile straight uphill where the buses were waiting to take us back to the starting point.
After changing into dry clothes, we all went out for a well-deserved meal.

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