Lines and Circles

Tomorrow we leave for the Southland for a week while David and Steve refinish our floors. I thought we were going to be busy all day moving "decor items"*, but David says they'll do it as they go along. Sounds good to me, since I had very little appetite for moving everything yet again. When we get back, the floors should be done as well as all the little "10%" jobs…(my name for the little details that just never get done at the end of a major remodeling project)

Dana and I decided to go to the other side of town to the Tierra Vegetable stand to restock our supplies of beans and chili jam, but we had to stop for gas first. Across the street from the gas station is a shed/warehouse-like structure, which Dana says used to be a feed store, but now is an aikido school. I have always kind of liked it, with its patchwork of paint colors, as if it was just a matter of choosing a color before repainting the entire building. It's been this way for years, so I'm not really sure what the impulse was. I shot it from the gas station as Dana filled up the car. The sign pointing to the gun shop across the street strikes me as rather odd in front of a martial arts school, although I can't quite figure out exactly what the discontinuity is.

As I sit outside writing this, I'm being buzzed by two fearless humming birds on their way to the feeder.There are a number of vultures circling above our field. They are so graceful, catching the thermals and staying aloft without moving their outstretched wings. They tend to congregate in trees or on power lines, where they are both shockingly ugly and quite funny as they sit companionably together, turning their outstretched wings in the direction of the morning sun. The newly mown alfalfa field down by the corner was full of hundreds of crows this morning, hunting for seeds. Shades of Van Gough….

*When we moved almost two years ago, we had boxes and boxes which the movers, for lack of a better term, labeled "decor items". Some of them found places in the new scheme of things., and got moved around several times as we accomplished various remodels. Many others are in the garage still in the originally labeled boxes.

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