OilMan's Dream

We think of Sonoma County as Wine Country, but it is also fast becoming Beer Country--home of dozens of local craft beer brands and hundreds of beer offerings. This is the beer aisle at Olivers. I went to fetch drinks of the non-alcoolic variety, but this wall to wall display caught my eye and I forgot the drinks.

I don't really like beer (or maybe I just don't like hops--a sacrilege in OilMan's eyes) but I do like looking at the labels of beers with names like Pliny the Younger, Arrogant Bastard, Deadman Ale and Total Domination--not sure what this says about the people who drink it, one of whom is OilMan. If I lose him in the market, he can usually be found here.

It took OilMan and Dana five hours to plant seven plants on the rocky slope behind the house. They'd better not die....

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