
By HotButtered1

First reptile of spring

This little reptilian chap was waiting for us by our front door at our "down south" house at Redgate, Margaret River.

Clearly he has got his months confused because snakes and lizards are not supposed to be out of hibernation until next month. As kids we were brought up with the saying if the month has an "r" in it then the snakes are out and about - no"r", no snakes!

Our first lizard for Spring - we gave each other a fright and then he scuttled off into the garden.

He is known by a number of names - blue-tongue lizard, bob-tailed lizard, sleepy lizard, or stumpy-tailed lizard. They are harmless but tricky to remove if they get inside your house! See Blue-tongue

Recommend large to see his lovely new scales.

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