Today The Rev, J, K and I went to a beach on the other side if the harbour (John and Sue decided to stay back at the local beach) took us about 30 mins to walk it but boy was it hot!!

We found a nice bit of shade under a tree and used our beach umbrella that we have been carrying about for days and not used!!!

We all enjoyed a bit of fish watching, especially K who was like a mermaid most of the day!!!

We also visited the resort we were supposed to be at before the booking went wrong....actually it was nice but not that good. We stopped and had a cheeky dip in there pool and a drink at the bar...then headed back for a siesta.

In the evening we ate at a nice looking restaurant that turned out not to be as good as it looked.....tomorrow it's the crab looking taverna with great food!!!

TODAY'S SMILE: waffles and ice cream etc!!!!

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