Something fishy
Back to work today. For Mr B that meant sanding plasterboard joints (after I had covered the whole living room in sheets, and discovered that a fitted sheet is ideal for cloaking a telly on the wall), refilling and, thanks to fast drying times on a lovely warm day, re-sanding. For me, there was all the ordering of the kids' school supplies, then shopping and washing.
Lunch for Mr B was mostly tomatoes and he pronounced the green zebra tomato one of the best he had ever tasted, and he's tasted a lot. Of course he only announced this after he'd finished it, since I now like tomatoes and am a rival for the best ones!
Later, we thought it was time for CarbBoy to expand his diet into fish. Now, we know he's allergic to white fish, but he was tested as ok with oily fish - specifically mackerel - so as you can see, we tried some (eagle eyed viewers will spot the chorizo off to one side - our post-holiday low-calorie diet is approaching slowly...) All was going well until it wasn't and he was complaining about a funny pain in his throat and I was pouring piriton into his mouth while maintaining a determinedly calm demeanour.
He is fine. My main worry is excessive sleepiness due to excessive antihistamine... But he stayed up until 10pm to watch a Top Gear episode (with unexpected speed boat), not that that will stop me checking on him in a paranoid way every hour or so tonight... Realistically I know that he probably just swallowed a bone which scratched his throat... But I doubt we'll be having mackerel again soon. I just hope I haven't done too much damage to our "try it - we'd never give you anything that would hurt you" mantra.
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