This year's model
Long day... Early start, after an unwise slightly late finish last night. Up and out by 5.30 to get to the airport. Despite the bus driver at Toulouse seeming to wait just until we ran up to the bus door to depart without us to the long-stay carpark, it was a fairly uneventful journey. Home to get Mr B a quick nap before an important call. And we waited and waited.... And then we waited some more due to some recent uncertainty over how time differences work... And then it turned out the other guy had never been told what time to call, so it all happened this afternoon instead!
The garden, I'm sure you're delighted to learn, survived my absence. Tonight's dinner, after a failure on the first plan due to lack of parmesan and laziness about shopping, was largely from the garden - pasta with, erm, whatever was ready. Including a conservative half of this rather large chilli. Last year's chillis were quite different, but I'm rather liking these fleshy ones.
I didn't put any courgettes in the dinner, for fear of Mr B reaching for divorce papers, but tomorrow I will have to tackle the new mountain that has built up while we've been away.
So, another lovely holiday with our generous Spanish hosts is over; but there's always next year to look forward too! Hasta la vista!
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