
By kevinG

Ball and Shard

Woke up and took a shower.

Dad picked me up on his way to work and brought me to Aunt Geri's house.

We saw what's in the picture in the backyard.

Annie met us at the door. I asked her about the thing and she said it was a piece of art that they got from their grandparents when they moved out of their house to a smaller one. It's called "Ball and Shard," hence the title.

Aunt Geri got back from yoga.

We made chocolate chip pancakes and egg-in-a-hole pancakes. Those are where you cook an egg then pour the batter around the egg so it's in a pancake.

Played on their piano. It's so nice.

Finally left for the train station with Aunt Geri, Annie, and Sarah. If I haven't mentioned this before, they are my twin cousins, a year younger than me. And Aunt Geri is my dad's sister.

Met up with their friend Elly along the way then Ally at the train station.

At the train station I saw a woman on a sign that looked just like Raven Symone but no one else saw the resemblance.

Left for NYC.

Got off the train and walked to the show we were seeing, If/Then with Idina Menzel.

Got our tickets then ate some pizza. The slices were really big because they cut their pies into six pieces.

Went in the theater and all sat together even though two tickets were apart because there were empty seats.

The show was average.

Took a train back to Port Washington.

Back to their house, Elly left.

Watched Adventure Time.

Dad came.

Uncle Bill cooked chicken for dinner.

Left with Dad.

Went to the 9:00 PM Crossfit.

Planned De-load for Upper Body
Banded PushDowns 4×50
Banded Pull Aparts 1×200

4 rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
Rest 3 minutes

This was the workout. The instructor was Adam and his assistant was Paige.

Dad picked me up and we went to Yogurt City.

Back to Park.

Watched Arrested Development.

Going to bed now.


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