
By cracker


Thank you to everyone who wrote such lovely things on yesterday's blip after mum died.

Today we had a really lovely day, all of us together for most of the day. Shell, Craig, Tia, Ella and Ryan came out home after brekkie then Aunty Kay and Uncle Linton came out with some food. They stayed for a while chatting which was lovely. Our neighbour, Phil, called in for a bit then our cousin, Kim came over with a big pot of spaghetti sauce!

The nine of us piled into two cars and headed to Port Albert for fish n chips for lunch. It was a lovely sunny day but there was a really cold easterly wind. We ate our lunch by the water then went into Yarram to my aunt and uncles house. We stayed there for a while then came home.

I went and visited Pop for an hour in the nursing home which was nice. Kim had been in earlier and told him about Mum so we had a chat about it. He can't walk anymore and needs a hoist to get him from the bed to the chair and back but said he would like to go to the funeral which is great. So we just have to see about getting the community bus to take him in the wheelchair to the footy rooms next Wednesday. So we will try and organise it tomorrow.

So we have had a really lovely family day. I feel more relieved than upset today. I am pleased mum isn't in anymore pain. We are all together helping each other and we all have similar views so that's great!

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