Nothing Else Matters

When I look into these eyes, I have a hard time remembering anything other than how much I love and cherish this little person. We have had such an amazing summer together, and I feel sad that our summer freedom is coming to a close, but I look forward to the amazing times to come. I love Fall. It is one of my favorite times of the year as well. right after summer......It is so delightful with the pretty colors, and the crisp mornings. School is starting next week, and I will not see my girl as much...but when we are together....there will be so much to talk about. I love to hear what she is doing at school, and what her little heart and mind are telling her. She is growing up so darn quickly, and I'm cherishing every minute of it.

I grabbed this shot of Sugar Bear right as we arrived home. Sugar was so excited to get the opportunity to hold the baby bunnies. They are all doing pretty well. One is really small....and I'm a tiny bit worried about it, but I'm crossing my fingers.

I got Sugar registered for school today, and I also got my hair cut, and some highlights added. It is really different. Sugar loves it....and that makes me happy. We'll see what The Hubby has to say when he get's home from shrimping.

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