Practically Perfect

You won't find me often saying such a thing about a Monday, but this one was practically perfect. I had such a great time at work re-connecting with some fabulous women who help make our project such a wonderful place to be. So many lovely ladies came off of their summer break, and spent the day learning the ins and outs of this coming year. It is always a pleasure to see all the smiling faces.

Sugar had a good day at daycare, and we got home in time to enjoy some wonderful sun. Our buttercup bunny had her babies on Saturday night. I knew they were in the nest and okay on Sunday. We were excited on Monday to pull them out and count them. There are five sweet little honeys just like this one. So happy and excited to watch them grow into some amazing little pets.

We walked around the yard eating blackberries and talking about our day. Toby cat followed us around as usual. He is even more clingy to us since to left him home alone so much this summer. He doesn't want us out of his sight. Silly kitty. I grabbed this shot of him sitting on the fence post while we ate blackberries nearby.

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