South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth


Just to show you that I have sewn some of the second long stitch tapestry! I was a bit stuck for ideas today as I have had a very busy time typing up orders of service for a funeral. Usually the family does this, but for complicated reasons they didn't this time! It has now been emailed to the funeral directors for booklets to be prepared and the drafts for these will be sent to us for proof-reading tomorrow (which was meant to be a complete day off for us...but there you go!). Got umpteen other tasks done, including rubbing WD40 over the fridge freezer in the garage. It's going very rusty on the outside - just hoping it will last a while longer....I really don't want to pay for a new one for the same to happen to it! I'm wondering if you can get spray paint for metal surfaces, so I could disguise the rust a bit - will have to do some research.

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