High Jinks

This is one of a number of bill boards which have caught my eye as I have cycled across the Meadows in Edinburgh. I finally took the time to stop and take a closer look. They were created by Edinburgh artist Astrid Jaekel and poet Rachel Woolf who were given the brief to reflect the history of the area. Each focuses on the folk culture of the Meadows. For those who are not familiar with it, the Meadows is a large open park area just to the south of the city centre. It adjoins Bruntsfield Links. Originally a loch, it provided drinking water to the city. In the 17th century it was drained and animals were grazed on the area. It wasn’t until the middle of the 19th century that it was opened to the public and new paths were gradually added, criss-crossing the park. They are still there today, with their colourful names - Boys Brigade Walk, Coronation Walk and Jaw Bone Walk. You might recall the cherry blossom lined paths I photographed in the Meadows earlier in the year.

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