The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


I used to have hair like this! Or, to be honest, a bit like the fur on cinema seats. Just thinking of it brings instant recall of the smell and colour of Boots Country Born setting gel. Deep breath.....

This is for the August challenge, Texture Tuesday.I'm on holiday, but spent a lot of the day looking out materials for my class of Japanese students tomorrow. I supposed I mentioned hair just now because I attempted this morning to wash my hair in a solution of Indian soapnut powder. It was too liquid to be useful. I've been trying to develop a shampoo for Japaneese-type hair, having been asked to do so by the aromatherapy class last year. Since the soapnut needs more tweaking, I'm just bringing in a natural liquid base to which oils can be added, and then suggesting a conditioning rinse with diluted apple cider vinegar, with added essential oils. I tried that today, too, and it has made my hair shiny, though a bit vinegar-ish.

This blip shows a cactus from the cabin. Steve is very good with plants. I am not. Now, can't write any more because my lap has been invaded by a giant cat, and I am watching the new series about vet students.

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