
By cracker

Book week

This week is bookweek at school and today was the day the kids all dressed up as a character from a book for assembly. We have been reading a series called 'The Magic Treehouse' with Spence which he loves. So today he wanted to dress up as Jack from the books who wears glasses and always carries around his backpack with a notebook and pencil in it! It was very cute!

Mum had got a lot worse. I decided last night to fly down today as we didn't know long she would have left. The doctors decided that she wasn't well enough to do the operation to put a stent into her stomach and it looked like the stent in her bile duct wasn't working.

It was decided today that there was nothing more that could be done and she would be transferred down to Foster hospital which is close to home. I flew in at 3pm, nik and dad picked me up then we went to nik's house to drop her off and pick up dad's car then I drove dad and I to the hospital in Foster where mum had been transferred to.

We got there at 7pm and mum didn't look good. They hadn't given her any pain medication since leaving the city so she looked in pain, couldn't get comfortable and looked exhausted but couldn't go to sleep. It was a big shock to see her like that after seeing her only a week and a half ago looking heaps better.

The doctor came around and looked at her, put a butterfly clip in so they could give her morphine for the pain as well as nausea medication and a sedative. Dad and I had a chat outside to the doctor and he said that she may not last the night but best case scenario would be a day or two.

I'm so pleased I came down today and saw her. Nik and Craig are coming down in the morning from Melbourne and Shelly will be over in the morning too. I hope mum lasts until we are all there with her to say goodbye and then I hope it's quick. It's so sad seeing her like she is.

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