
Yesterday Dublin, today.... Ambleside.

In one respect the two places are quite similar; a whole lot of town has been crammed into the available space, it's just that Dublin is a bit bigger. (And they're both nice to visit, so that's two respects.)

I love the slate built houses, which seem to me to be quite limited to this part of the Lake District - Windermere, Ambleside, Grasmere, Coniston - but I expect they can also be found near other quarries. And,of course, there's that lovely hill in the background.

I always wonder whether there is some reference to Ambleside in Arthur Ransome's books but although Christina Hardyment's book, 'Arthur Ransome and Capt. Flint's Trunk' doesn't mention it, I've heard there's a plaque there commemorating it as the site of the North Pole (from 'Winter Holiday').

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