
For various reasons which I shan't go into, the garage where I have my car serviced is an inconvenient distance away. (Actually, the nearest dealership is still rather a way away.) Consequently, even though they did provide me with a courtesy car, it seemed better use of my time to find a Starbucks - free wifi! - and work from there.

Thus, I spent most of the morning hunched over my laptop - I'd opted for a comfy chair with a low table - occasionally sitting up to stretch and take a swig of my coffee and chat to Hannah, who had come with me. (She spent the morning sat opposite me, curled up in a chair, reading a book that the Minx had lent her.)

Eventually, though, we got fed up of sitting there and decided to go for a drive and to find something to eat while we passed the time until the car was sorted out. Since we could rely on one of our 'phones to get us back to the garage when the time came, we set off at random, following our noses around Blackburn. Of course, I had my eyes open for a photo opportunity and so, despite Hannah's protests - she was rather hungry by this stage - I pulled over to take a photo of this. It was in the middle of a roundabout so I couldn't get close up to see if there was a plaque. If anyone knows anything about it, please let me know!

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