
This is one of the completed 198 panels which are part of The Diaspora Tapestry of Scotland on display at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh. It is a successor to the marvellous Prestonpans Tapestry and Scotlands Tapestry which represented the history of Scotland. The panels were sewn by people in 25 countries throughout the world where Scots have settled and had an impact on the area and together the embroidered panels tell stories of their courage and influence over the centuries.

Although this is not among those that I liked best I chose it because it is The Welcome Panel
which was the first piece of the Tapestry to be stitched, and was designed to encapsulate much of what the Tapestry represents. The faces of Scotland's communities and the hands of its people reach out to all points of the compass, to all the continents of the globe: as explorers or administrators, warriors or artists, sportsmen or builders.

(Unfortunately I forgot my camera so this is from the phone and my fourth choice as Blip rejected the others as being too small, so I have left it uncropped too.
Later .... I had mistakenly left my phone camera on 0.3m which accounts for the poor size)

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