not seeing straight

By jaybroek


Last day of doing next to f-all in the Luberon. The pattern has been simple; rise as late as possible (when kids finally occupy too much of the bed for comfort), make the two minute wander to the boulangerie, hit the pool, eat, throw Tom in the pool, take the Méhari out for a pointless spin (invariably to buy steak), swim more, eat steak, drink wine.

And repeat.

To correct a few misconceptions. There was no fete rumbling into action last night, they always close the streets on a Thursday night for dining and jazz. My bad.

Today was, of course, the public holiday for the assumption of the Virgin Mary. There may or may not have been activities related to this occurring around and about. We wouldn't know. We were in the pool. Or the Méhari - which is, quite awesomely, this colour.

Tom wants us to bring it home. It probably wouldn't threaten the plane weight limit.

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