White Dove

A fine day of sunny spells, a few showers and a dry but windy evening.

The day didn't start too well for me, I lost my front door key! Luckily I got a spare one eventually and got two more cut on my lunch break. Got home tonight and what do I find in the grass in the front lawn? The key :) Oh well, mam and someone else can hold on to a spare :)
A fairly quiet day at work but had some interesting folk in with photos to donate. The lady's grandparents came from Shetland and she has taken all the Shetland family snaps home for us to keep, and a great insight to her family tree :)
A quiet night ahead with a few walkies and the sofa is calling :)

A walk around the Ness of Sound again today and this lovely white dove and others were flying about. To slow to actually catch one flying but will try again :)

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