Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


We prepared Certificates of Survival with 'tooters' for the trainees today! Week 3 is a hard week and so we thought it deserved to be marked in some way. The blip shows the little 'tooters' with the 'certificates' rolled up inside them. Bb and I were printing them out and rolling them up early this morning!

The certificates read, 'I survived week 3 of the CELTA course'. The meaning of 'survived' was made clear in the context of a hard week on the course.

Then the meaning was checked with CCQs (Concept Checking Questions):

Was it a hard week Yes
Am I still breathing" Yes
Am I still alive? Yes

before dealing with the form (verb etc):

Form: verb, regular, transitive and intransitive

Pronunciation (can't show the phonetic script here) and the stressed words were highlighted.

The idea was that having survived week 3, they can then blow their own trumpets ('tooter')!

Let's see how it goes! The mantra on the CELTA is dealing with MFP (meaning, form and pronunciation) for language, so hopefully it'll raise a few smiles!

Footnote: the trainees loved the certificates and 'tooters' and everyone left in a positive frame of mind. Success!

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