The sky's on fire!

When we got up today it was sunny and dry, so I decided to cycle into work, but what a mistake that was! Whilst it was very calm inland, as soon as I got to the coast I met a very strong headwind, and I had to battle against it for 5 miles! It took me about 45 mins instead of my usual 30, so it's a good job I'd left early.

At lunch time I met up with Tannie, my colleague who left a couple of weeks ago. She's settling into her new job and seems happy, which is good. Anyway we went to a new 'dog cafe' which is fantastic -it's exactly what it says - it's for dogs. They have a special gate on the door so that dogs can roam free while their humans have a drink and something to eat and there's a play area for them and bowls of water. We'll definitely have to take Milou & Bobbie there!

By the time it came to leave for home it was raining, so Alan drove into town to pick me up and put the bike in the back of the car. But it didn't rain for long, so after we'd eaten we put the boys in the car again, drive to the lido and then we had a 3 mile walk along the undercliff to Ovingdean and back. The sky was amazing and for once I hadn't taken my camera, so this shot was taken with my iPhone. It really did look like the sky was on fire!

In other news, the survey was done on our new house today and we've heard that everything is ok. And our buyers are looking to exchange contracts on 22nd August and complete on the 29th, so fingers crossed everything is coming together nicely.

And the other bit of news is that I've decided to step back a bit with regards to blipping. As you know, I've been struggling to keep up with comments and replies since going back to work full time. And now that we have the boys, my evenings are taken up too. Take tonight - I got in, made the dinner, took the boys for a walk, got home, had a shower, tidied up, made lunch for tomorrow and it's now 10.15pm.

I'm not stopping completely, but I'm not going to look for a blip everyday, which is getting difficult. If we go somewhere at the weekends or I see something interesting then I'll blip it, but if not I won't. I'll still log in when I can to see what's going on in your lives, and I'll blip the boys from time to time so you can see what they're getting up to.

So, bye for now and I'll see you soon x

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