The Wheel of Life

I may have escaped the vacuuming yesterday, but there was no reprieve today after His Lordship strode off with his rucksack before the cuckoo trilled 8am, for a relaxing day in the hills far from any domestic chores.

Was there just a hint of 'poor me' as I planted the vacuum in a place which would necessitate his walking round it to get to the door? Of course there was.
Why do unreconstructed men imagine that household chores and cooking are the sole responsibility of their wives? I blame their collective mothers.

With the washing done, and determined to beat the tourists at their game, I made it into town to collect some shopping before they had realised it was a new day and home again just as they were beginning to swarm.

Now I have the day to myself before I prepare the meal for tonight.
I will try really hard to welcome back HL with a smile and enquire kindly after his day.

I write this tongue in cheek, well mostly anyway.

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