36 days to go

I had naively assumed a couple of weeks ago that it wasn't possible to get any busier but today proved it was.

I got to Edinburgh from Campbeltown at 1.00 this morning after a wet four hour journey but I was already in the Parliament Building by 8.30 because I had to be in front of the Education committee at 10.00 to move and speak to two pieces of subordinate legislation.

Then it was up to St Andrews House for 11.00 for cabinet at which I presented a paper but by 1.30 I was back in Parliament to sum up in this afternoon's debate about the economy and independence which John Swinney opened with authority , knowledge and strong , well tried, experience.

Two quick internal meetings followed after 5.00 and then I set off for Glasgow for the last of my "Town-hall" meetings - a very stimulating event in Glasgow's St Enoch Square held in the appropriately named Teacher Building.

And now at 10.00pm I am on my way back to Edinburgh tired but energised by the excitement and hope in this referendum campaign. It is all to play for and every one of us will be playing just as hard in the next five weeks.

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