Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Highest Peek

We reached the highest peek of the day early this morning. I've stayed on the peek all day -- thinking, remembering, laughing, planning, lingering.

We climbed to the peak when I grabbed a crazy little book of valentine poems that I discovered last year, and this morning I read one poem aloud to Mr. Fun - - -

This Paper Boat

Carefully placed upon the future,
it tips from the breeze and skims away,
frail thing of words, this valentine,
so far to sail. And if you find it
caught in the reeds, its message blurred,
the thought that you are holding it
a moment is enough for me.

~~Ted Kooser,
former U.S. poet Laureate
winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry

I like mailing cards to Mr. Fun. I really like confiscating the card a few days later and a year of too later mailing it to him again. The one above on the left side of the photo--I have sent to him no less than 5 times (each time with an addition to the previous hand-written note). The other card was brand new last February (and I confiscated it). So guess what that means.

I love this season -- hearts and candies and cards and flowers. But mostly it's all about love. Hallmark won't get rich on me -- especially as I send a card over and over. Valelntines isn't about spending, and it's not about getting. It's about giving.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

editorial note: You can learn about Kooser's Valentine book here.

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