Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Supermoon and Sunset

I haven't been through the photo's I took on the camera yet. I took this with my phone as the group set up to get the moonrise.

The Prudential Cycle Ride passed the house, leaving us trapped in from 5am until after 3pm. The weather didn't put anyone off. Big Bertha's appearance left thousands of very wet cyclists who, I'm sure, only wanted to curl up in bed after a hot bath and my garden pancaked. I've lost all the lovely Cardoon thistles and most of the sunflowers. I do insist on trying to grow tall plants in a wind tunnel!

I organised the photography event weeks ago and have spent three days watching the storms passage like a hawk. True to forecast, the torrential showers and grey skies disappeared by early afternoon, leaving sunshine and fluffy clouds. The wind wasn't going anywhere and is still threatening the remaining plants!

The largest group so far, 27 turned up to record this sky and the rising super moon. ... Unfortunately three of them, travelling together, didn't read the directions, went to the wrong place and arrived just as everyone else left, the best photographer of the evening amongst them and,unsurprisingly, pissed off.

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