
I got a phone call this morning from No1 son to say that he was now a father.

Butterfly arrived at breakfast time after a quick and uncomplicated birth and week before her 'due' date but bang on time as far as we are all concerned.
As soon as the phone call was connected I knew everything was okay because the first thing I heard was Butterfly shouting "Hello - I want food and all I am being given is a finger to suck on".
So Mummy fed her and all was well.

After SWMBO had also spoken to the proud parents and then notified family and friends who needed to be she booked a hotel and we were off ................

So here we are (after a - mainly - foul drive) giving kisses and cuddles to our latest granddaughter.
She has also been given her gift of a spoon which I commissioned from our friend the silversmith (which I couldn't mention before because I didn't want to spoil the surprise).

Tomorrow there will be more hugs and kisses before we head back home ...... just a flying visit to introduce ourselves this time.

On the way home I intend on stopping off in Penrith - ARE YOU LISTENING SUSAN? in the hope of arranging a family portrait of all my family next month.

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