A Mix

Todays entry is a bit of a mix of yesterday and today due to my early blip and late night.

SWMBO was meant to have an MRI scan in the early evening after which we were going to meet friends for a meal.
However, late afternoon saw her getting a phone call to say that the scan was cancelled due to a mechanical breakdown (it is now rearranged for next week).
So we went and met our friends and all went into town by train.

I wasn't very impressed with the street entertainment to be honest - not much and very little variety. It was also really disappointing that the stages in the High Street were packed away at 6.30pm.
Whatever happened to stuff going on until the early hours.

However, I was impressed enough by the Spanish guys and Mt Pik to buy their CDs.

Nearly 3 hours were spent in COSMO eating, drinking and having a good time .............. give the website a look and book a table - I can't recommend the place highly enough.

When we got home in the early hours there were messages from our good friend (who lost his wife 18 months ago) to say that his father had died.
He was diagnosed with Motor Neuron disease only 4 months ago.
Such a sad loss.
The only saving grace is that it was not protracted as is so often the case - he had slipped into unconsciousness on Thursday tea time after being taken into hospital with breathing difficulties so he had not been in distress towards the end.

My day has been spent working on pictures (some from last night can be found here) and having picture books made up on-line.

Now I am about to go and have a large dram in honour of Franks memory.

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