Wet Sunday

Today has been every bit as awful weather wise as predicted. I had a meeting this morning about the band I play in, quite exciting decisions made and hopefully we have secured the future of the band for a good few years. More to follow in good time.

Battled through water logged streets to get home and we decided to do a bit of sorting out. Mr H vowed he would only wear plain black socks for funerals once he retired having had to wear them since starting work in 1979. He had however not thrown any out and had a drawer full of just black socks. Therefore we had a good clear out , and now he has only 3 pairs of plain black socks - I know that is a lot of funerals- and all his coloured / patterned socks are hole free and rather than 2.5 drawer full we have one drawer all neatly folded. I might need to wash more often but it will be a lot easier to sort the laundry now!

Hope you all stay safe and dry and have a great week ahead.

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