Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Yummy Tapas

We had intended to have a BBQ today, but due to the fact that we basically forgot to invite anybody until it was too late and they couldn't come, we postponed.

Hurrah! This is my favourite kind of gathering - one where I have done a wee bit of groundwork (cleaning up the patio etc.), made a slight attempt at sociability, but been let nicely off the hook at the last minute, resulting in no clearing up to be done tomorrow!

We decided to go into town for some Tapas at Sante, a very nice Spanish wine bar. We were going to use the voucher out of the Spree Book (check out the website, spreebook.com if you don't know what this is) until I realised it does not apply on a Saturday. We still had a lovely lunch there, both having the 3 Tapas for a tenner, a glass of white for me and a Coke for G. I was stuffed, but still managed to force down some Churros with toffee sauce and a coffee. Muy bueno!

Then we had a wee potter up the High Street to get some new smalls from M&S, followed by a look in the Travel Agents windows. We've decided against Tunisia - on reflection, it looked like the kind of holiday where we would have to spend the whole time in the environs of the big gorgeous hotel or else spend a lot of money on taxis to get about.

Stopped for a chat with the ladies on the Women for Independence stand, then back home, via a short stop-off at Mum's to see if G could fix her wonky telly, and we have just basically lazed ever since.

Very nice too.

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