All is calm.......

Having crashed early last night we were spoilt with a 6:50 wake up call. Charlotte was very proud that her clock was awake.

Slow lazy start to the day, our little girl was in such a good mood it was a joy to observe. Daddy and Charlotte headed to the deli for breakfast whilst Wom and I pottered, washing pegged out, bottles sterilised etc.

Lee headed back home to see his big brother. Big bro had a heart attack on Tuesday (he's 2 years older than lee), although we knew he was ok it has still been a huge shock to us all. Lee's mummy was away with his children and Lee's sister and niece so wasn't told until today. Charlotte, William and I had a lazy morning, sleeps for little people then a play date with auntie Sarah this afternoon.

Trying to sort a date for Williams christening, my father is away for nearly all of October and the vicar is having a knee replacement at the end of the month so dates are few and far between.

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