Have cards will travel
Jackson has taught us all a new card game he read about in a young James Bond book - Hearts. It's brutal. But at least we found a beautiful setting to play it in. A lovely shady spot high up in the mountains on the outskirts of Granada. The restaurant is a converted water mill and is also a hotel, a very beautiful place to stay I would imagine. It is also home to a black swan which very almost made it on to blip. But one of those days when I was undecidedly spoiled for choice and Carlos chose this one.
I'm feeling much better, though today's (now comedy) new symptom is a spot inside the eyelid on my right eye. Frankly agony when I blink. Oh, that will be all the time then. Some quick googling and apparently warm water almost continuously applied is the solution. Have done that lots and it already feels on its way out. Tomorrow I dearly hope to have nothing to report. Also I did seem to have passed the fever on to Jackson who very out of character slept past midday and just about woke up to make it out for lunch.
What else? Oh you know, pool, dinner, cards.
Lesley x
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