A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Only one lemon but enough to earn this tree a reprieve, for this year at least. It used to be a prolific supplier of fruit, then nothing for about 4 years, discussions were had about replacing it and it has responded with this. Came in handy with our fish lunch today as we had forgotten to buy any at the market.

In other news I appear to be ill again. Since coming to Spain I have had a mouth ulcer, stomach bug and now have a throat infection and fever. It really isn't the weather for a fever but on the plus side I do have a lovely sick bed in the shade overlooking the pool so I can at least pretend I am joining in.

Everyone is currently proper siesta'ing as there is a plan to head into town for a late beach and dinner trip. If I were a sensible person I would stay at home and rest but I'm not good at missing out on stuff and I can't see it making me feel worse. Actually the main thing I am focusing on for that is remembering to only take one ibuprofen at a time as they come as 600mg tablets as standard here.

Lesley x

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