Scream if you want to go faster!

Someone was awake at 5:30
The same someone had not gone to bed till 1 1/2 hours later than normal......

Headed to Folly Farm

The same someone mentioned above fell asleep in the car and was exceedingly grumpy when we woke them up.

Had a lovely time mooching around seeing the amimals, going on tractor ride etc, until the moment when Charlotte hit the wall. She was overcome with tirendess, didn't know what she wanted. Decision made to head back to the Exit and head home. Took long time to head there was we were pushing the travel system and carrying munchie.

Stopped for an icecream and met up with Uncle John, Auntie Katie and Lucy again. Home

Took everyone for a swim in the bath outdoor pool. It was lush. Charlotte managed to fall over twice due to being a monkey.

Bedtime was even worse tonight. wine was definitely needed

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