one that got away

We hiked all the way to the base of the Aiplspitz summit this morning - it's 1759m (5,770 ft).

When we got to the part where grass gives way to rock, we found a sign to advise that the rest is suitable only for experienced mountaineers with the right equipment and a "head for heights"!.

Well, our CVs don't really fit that bill. We went back the way we came, tails between legs.

We did manage 2 other summits before lunch, mind you. One is also about 5,700 ft (Jägerkamp) and the other (Rauhkopf) is not quite so high at 1,689 m, but a bit trickier.

A good 6 hour hike/climb, plus time for a picnic lunch. We were back at the Hütte about 4.30. Not sure which was better - getting those socks & boots off, or the beer, Obstler & 0.5 litre of water which came about the same time.

Dinner at the Hütte was wonderful, as it had been the night before. Simple, local dishes, perfectly cooked.

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