
By Dollykgray

Water Wednesday or how to flatten your battery

This August Challenge (and my injured state) has presented me with the opportunity to explore new techniques. Today I decided I wanted to try for one of those gorgeous little crowns generated from water drops. I tried dropping water into glasses, then silver plates then bowls. I did set up my tiny table tripod and a makeshift drip system but found that hand held for both the camera and drop achieved better results with respect to focus and lighting. I don´t have the luxury at the moment of running around the house or searching hubby´s garage for equipment. No crowns were to be seen, however. A few craters perhaps and some lovely ripples and some blobs that looked like a pearls in an oyster shell. I am not one for reading articles much - just skimming through quickly. So I did have a quick look through a "how to" article and saw that one needs (among other essentialequipment) a remote flash to "freeze" the movement. Well, I don´t have one of those but I do have a flash on the camera so employed that. I did in fact achieve 3 crowns out of the next 200 shots but they were so out of focus no one would believe that´s what they are supposed to be. So I am left with the sceptre to publish, I suppose. Another quick skim of a different article informs me that this is a "spout" and my water was probably too deep and I can use varying viscosities to achieve a better result. Oh, well, there are another 3 Water Wednesdays in August....

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