Lacking inspiration

Some days, there's just nothing that inspires me, or excites me. Everything seems flat.

I wonder if it's the weather. Or maybe having had such a great family day yesterday, that today was just going to seem pale and washed out in comparison.

I went to my local camera club tonight for the first time. There's an open competition in 2 weeks - have been invited to enter, but part of me doesn't want to. Nervous of critique? Maybe. The two things that make me reticent are
1. Having to choose 4 photos from the multitude that I have, and in choosing, trying to be objective, rather than emotionally attached, which I am to some of my personal favourites.

2. Not having ANY criteria on which to base my choices - I don't know what is being looked for and how my work is going to be assessed. This is clearly my "work" brain kicking in, because we have all been so thoroughly hammered, I mean trained, into not giving work or tasks without clearly stating our assessment criteria to the children. So if I am entering this competition, what are my criteria?!?!?!

Am going for a bath. Corin will stop me from being bored ;-)

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