Bingley Five Rise Locks

I had planned one of those famous, 'Wendy in and out of Leeds in an hour' trips this morning as we had appointments for haircuts at midday. I was foiled by the shops! I was too early for the rail centre opening so had to hang out there, then too early for the travel shop opening, so had to hang out there and then, would you believe, still half an hour early for the chocolate shop opening (stocking up on winners' medals for Lagganlia!) - so I had to go and have a cuppa (and free danish pastry, but don't get excited it wasn't that good a pastry!)

I got off the train in Bingley and decided there wasn't time to go home and come out again so I bought some winners' medal ribbon from Kay's Aladdin's Cave (I hope she never has to evacuate from her shop in a hurry!) and then set off along the canal towards Hannah's for aforementioned haircuts. I'd given myself plenty of time I thought but a stop to take this blip (and wait for the sun to come out from behind the clouds), a stop to buy water from the cafe, a stop to look closely at strange duck and a long stop to discuss holidays with neighbour Terry out for a run, meant that suddenly I had to move up a gear up the hill to East Morton. Thankfully Tony drove past (and stopped!) so we arrived with a couple of minutes to spare and are now neatly shorn.

New books purchased in Leeds: two Detective Veras from Ann Cleeves and 'The Secret Speech' (as I'm hoping to attend lovelupins book club meet next month - better get reading!)

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