
By lauramary


'I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.'

Those are Jesus' words in Matthew 9:13. And a well-timed reminder they were. I think it would be fair to sum up the day as one feeling like I should do things, feeling like I shouldn't be scared and worrying. I'm a hypocrite, a grumbler, a gossip, unloving, selfish, lazy, proud... The list could go on. But then the vicar highlighted these words this evening.

Jesus loves me as a sinner. God might hate sin, but he still offers great love to sinners. I have been and am offered forgiveness as a sinner. Yes, sure, the Holy Spirit is working in me to make me more like Jesus, but I still sin more than a lot. And I am still offered forgiveness.

In my own right, I'm not good enough for God, but none of us are. Thankfully, it isn't about being 'good enough'. Jesus stands in and takes our punishment for us, if we put our trust in him, so that now God can see us as pure and clean. Jesus calls us, sinners, and says 'Follow me'. There's no point me feeling bad about how rubbish I am. I just need to turn back to Jesus and ask for his forgiveness. And I can even ask for help in not sinning so much!

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