Cow in the Canal

Ellen phoned me this morning to say that whilst she was out yomping around Worsley she had spotted firemen at the dockyard on the canal. I have successfully trained people to be my sources of photo opportunities, she told me that a cow had fallen in the canal. I grabbed my camera and shot down the road. I went to the wrong side of the canal at first and had to race round to the boatyard where maddeningly they had already eased it out of the water. The canal wasn't too deep but the poor animal was shocked and very tired as it struggled in the mud.

There was a woman from the RSPCA, a vet and lots of firefighters there. They assumed I was from the press and I just said I was freelance and didn't commit myself one way or the other. They had closed the gates and people couldn't get in and I didn't want them to ask me to leave so I just acted unassuming.

The cow was understandably very shocked and wouldn't stand up so they had to get the farmer to bring his tractor and they slid it onto a trailer to take away.

Well I took quite a few pics and when I got home I put them on Twitter. One was retweeted by ITV's Granada News. The story has just been on the local news on TV and they showed video footage from a woman who had been there and named her...BUT the last still was mine!!!! I wasn't even credited, the swines!!! I was really pleased they used my pic, but I am annoyed that they didn't credit me...grrrrr.

Well that was my excitement as the rest of the day has been quite boring really. Everyone is either doing family stuff or on holiday so I just mooched about at home all afternoon.

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