
It might not be official uniform, but it looks damn good ha ha ha. My sock mad colleague flaunted her bunny bedecked bovver boots. I could discuss the juxtaposition between the ankle high solid safety shoe, that you could jump on the toes of and not injure any of your little piggies, against the fluffy little bunny socks...but I'm too tired after a busy day!

What a great day....when I went out with the team on the first session three weeks ago I was overawed by the amount of things I was faced with and never thought I would get my head around it. Today, well what a difference...I was let loose on the donors without a buddy, without a trainer and it felt good. I was doing health screening on my own and then working in the pod. I felt like I was really part of the team. Yes I made a couple of mistakes, but the team support is great. 

I am behind on comments.....I'm still getting into the swing of these long days, but I will settle into a routine soon. 

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