
By Isabel

Thomas Edison's winter estate...

After my usual morning swim and coffee by the pool, showered and changed then headed off with ES to visit the Edison Ford Museum in Fort Myers. We arrived just in time to join the 12 noon guided tour, which was really interesting.
The Museum consists of two adjacent houses, previously the winter homes of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. Edison's house is much larger, and still has the original furniture and furnishings owned by Edison and his wife. It was lovely to get a glimpse of a bygone and very elegant age in such beautiful surroundings. This shot was taken inside Edison's house...
I didn't realise that Edison was quite such a prolific inventor, but he had well over 1,000 inventions patented. He prided himself on good quality, and the things he made were built to last. Many of his gramophones are still in perfect working order, and his original sound recordings were so hard wearing as to be virtually indestructible. This meant that no-one ever needed to replace them, so those following in his footsteps made future versions much less solid!

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