
By LaKwAtSeRa

Madam Tussaud's Warwick Castle

Sixth day of my tour guiding trip.

This day was all about Warwick Castle. The castle for kids and adults alike. The activities inside the castle has been extended to a lot of different activities since the first time i visited the place two years ago. Two things that got me very excited during this visit was the Trebuchet and the Jousting. The Fireball Trebuchet was just impressive and the Jousting was so amazingly done. The actual firing of the fireball from the trebuchet only took about 3-5 seconds but the build-up by the presenter was about 14minutes! It was still awesome though.

Jousting, on the other hand, was just entertaining from the start til the end. There were a lot of action and the actors where really acting out the part. If i am not mistaken and if my memory serves me right, there was the House of Lancaster against the House of York. Us, spectators also acted out a part, we were the pheasants and supporting one of the Houses. I believe from where we were seated, we were ask to cheer for House York (unfortunately the cheating house). The actors were very good in their role playing not to mention the very impressive show of horse riding skills by the actors. Aside from riding the horse like a real knight from the medieval times, they were also actually holding a jousting weapon and having a go at each other. You can hear the tip of the weapon clanging against the shield of the other horseman! They also performed quite a number of swords combat and i might say they have practiced the routine quite well! It really seems like they are really killing each other!

Overall, i had a great time with all the activities Warwick Castle had to offer. I was one happy kid! The photo shows it. And another thing, I just knew that the castle is owned by Tussauds Group (owner of Madame Tussaud's). No wonder there are quite a few wax figures inside the castle state rooms.

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