
By LaKwAtSeRa

Leamington Spa Rail Station

Fifth day of my tour guiding trip. Morning was spent in Oxford city centre and visited Blenheim Palace in the afternoon. It is my second time visiting Oxford since i got here in the UK. Train to Oxford was delayed by 20mins but it was enough for us to visit one college and head to Blenheim Palace afterwards.

We didn’t miss visiting Christ Church (and it's famous Tudor dining hall where the Harry Potter Hogwarts Dining Hall was inspired). There wasn’t a lot of people today compared to the first time i came here. It was good because we got to spend a good amount of time inside the dining hall and take enough amount of videos and photos as well.

Blenheim Palace was, as always, magnificent. The grounds of the palace and the lake surrounding the palace are a thing to behold. There was however an incident involving a dog. While we were walking on the other side of the bridge to visit the very famous cedar tree where a scene in the Harry Potter movie was shot, we heard a man's voice shouting from behind us. His voice was so loud we could hear him saying "Help! Help! Somebody help!". We immediately searched for the person around the area and I saw something by the side of the lake struggling to get out of the water. I initially thought it was a person, but then a few more seconds of looking at the moving object from afar, it was in fact a dog. We knew that the dog was in trouble because he was swimming so hard but he wasnt going anywhere. The person, possibly the owner, kept on shouting for help. Then a car went pass by us and went by the side of the lake. It was a Blenheim Palace car, from the other side of the lake, we noticed that the car who came to the rescue didn’t have any lifesaving equipment. Then a few minutes after that, another pick-up vehicle arrived at the area carrying a row boat. They immediately lowered it to the lake and saved the poor dog. We were just looking at the rescue mission from the other side of the lake and we were glad that the dog was unharmed after being stuck in the water for so long. We then continued with our photo session under the Cedar tree that was used in the movie Harry Potter (a scene where a young Severus Snape was being bullied by a young James Potter).

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