Saturday: Light On The Staircase

There is always something a little disappointing about waking up at 06.30am at the weekend.  But the rest of the day was restful, so I shouldn't complain.

I took care of a few things today, including taking a watch to be repaired in the most wonderful old-fashioned watch repairers (perhaps a blip for another time).  And doing my tax return - I'm not going to get caught out like last year!

Whilst out and about on my errands this morning, I walked past this building where the front door was open - I like the way the light fell on the stairs.

And I have watched one good, and one excellent, film tonight.  The good one was 'Memoirs of a Geisha'.  The excellent one was a documentary called 'The Missing Picture' about the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.  It is seriously good!  If you like documentaries, be sure to check it out - it won an award at Cannes last year and was nominated for an Oscar this year.  One of those films I am really glad to have discovered.

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