
5am, stair gates, gro clocks and a few other issues!

Charlotte and I headed to our beautiful French delicatessen for breakfast, they are so welcoming there, allowing Charlotte to go round the back to choose her own crossaint etc (love the fact that Charlotte can say croissant)

Headed to see Peppa Pig muddy puddles. Charlotte was mesmerised, as was wom. Very cleverly put together and extremely clever marketing. Stall as you walked in, stuff being sold in the interval and then Peppa balloons as you left. We bought a mr dinosaur for Wom, a bag for Charlotte to use for nursery and a spinny light thingy just because. Was exceedingly proud of her as first major outing with big girl pants and no potty to hand.

Home via the Golden Arches. Charlotte fell asleep in the car but woke up when I told her we had lunch.

Ate lunch then headed to my big brothers pre 40th birthday party. Scary that I will be 40 in 17 months time! I don't feel old enough to be 40! I had hoped / planned that Charlotte would sleep in the car going, this was not the case!

She had a blast at the party. Loved their Doberman Bella and was just on form. She fell asleep about half an hour from home, upon waking total meltdown. Tea was a total mishmash of anything she would eat. Tomorrow we eat fruit and vegetables only!

Wom has demolished milk today - good job Buttercup 1 and 2 both fully operational!

Party tomorrow. Auntie Sarah going to look after a Wom for us x

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