Before and After

One of those busy achieved nothing but had fun days.
Awake at 5:47! Oooo the luxury of a 17minute lie in!

Breakfast and back to bed for morning sleep. Headed out to meet a mummy friend for swimming. The pool was horrendous! Heaving. Horrid.
Changing rooms were full of people's clothes not put in lockers. All the baby change rooms were full of other people clutter!
In the end I went and found a member of staff and made them come with me to see that very single baby change room (there are 6 larger ones that have the sign on the door) were full of people's clothing etc just left!
They were v apologetic so opened up the schools change room for us to use! It was bliss having so much space. Felt smug when we locked the door behind us and could feel all the daggers looking at us as they desperately searched for changing space!
Play date with a friend of mine who had her little one in the August of the same school year that Charlotte was born.
We talked lots about the age differences and also similarities between the two of them whilst just letting the girls play! Almost felt like a proper adult!

Daddy got home just as we were heading to the hair dressers. Hairdresser was brilliant again and as you can see from the picture, managed to get quite a bit off her fringe. She got nothing off the back as someone had had enough.

Currently perched on the toilet waiting for daddy to get Charlotte to bed, as soon as she hears anyone click the stair gate she has to see who it is, I forgot to undo it before she went into her room.

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